Knowledge basePractical advice and inspiration that will help you achieve perfect cleanliness everywhere. All Beauty Cleaning companies ClinexEDU Events Horeca Categories Beauty Cleaning companies ClinexEDU Events Horeca
Cleaning companiesWhat are super concentrates and when is it profitable to use them?Super concentrates are highly concentrated cleaning agents. This allows you to optimize cleaning costs. What are their advantages and disadvantages?
Cleaning companiesPłyny antystatyczne do sprzątania. Co to i po co ich używać?Płyny antystatyczne umożliwiają bezpieczne sprzątanie miejsc, w których jest dużo elektroniki. Na co zwrócić uwagę podczas wybierania takiego preparatu i jak nim sprzątać?
HorecaDishwashing liquid or balm – what to choose?It may seem that dishwashing liquid and dishwashing lotion are very similar. However, there are differences. When to choose dishwashing liquid and when to choose lotion?
Cleaning companiesWhich machine floor cleaning liquid should I choose?Machine floor cleaning is a must for large surfaces. It also has many advantages. What does it look like? What machine floor cleaning fluid should you choose?
Cleaning companiesWhat grout cleaner to use?Cleaning grout can be difficult. This is because grout, due to its porous structure and location, accumulates dirt quickly. Which grout cleaner should I choose?
Cleaning companiesHand washing floors – when is it worth it?Hand washing floors? This method has its advantages and disadvantages. We advise when it is worth to opt for hand washing and what products to use.
HorecaProfessional cleaning of convection-steam and smokehouse ovensCleaning convection steamers and smokehouses? Here is a guide on how to do it and what products to use.
Cleaning companies ClinexEDUWhich cleansing milk should I choose?Cleaning milk is a specialist cleaning agent with a creamy consistency that effectively removes dirt from various surfaces. How to choose the best one?
Cleaning companies ClinexEDUHow to remove limescale from a toilet below the waterline?Descaling a below-water toilet can be tricky. We show you how to do it using specialist cleaning products.